about me

about me —



Is this you?


You’re working in a high-stress corporate environment or running your business all on your own.

You feel like you just cannot get ahead, and the work tasks keep piling up.

You’re burnt out and know you need a vacation. It just does not seem worth it because you can’t bear the stress of even more work piling up.

»meet your fulfillment coach

Hi, I'm Maria.


I'm here to help you overcome burnout, so you can live life your way

For me, it all started after college while I was working as a Human Resources Assistant at a predominant law firm in North Jersey. 

I wanted to work in HR, so I could help people navigate the corporate world. I quickly realized that I would not be able to help people in the capacity I had desired. 

I felt extremely lost, unfulfilled, and anxious while working at this law firm and thought, “This just can't be what life is!”

One day, I was putting a new hire into the system and saw that a new hire, who was hired for an assistant role like me, would be making more than me. I took this as my sign from the Universe. 

This job was not worth the anxiety and chest pains I was experiencing every morning before going to work. 

So the next day, I walked in and quit.



You can experience both freedom and fun while performing in your career, which leads to more fulfillment.


You deserve to feel good and have fun. When you work with me, you are showing love and care for yourself.


I believe everyone deserves to have fun and experience joy both in their personal lives and in their careers.

My Story

I planned to move to Brooklyn in a beautiful apartment with my sister. But my gut was calling me somewhere else. Over Christmas, my sister told me that plans had changed, and our other roommate, who was planning to sublet her room, was not leaving for the winter. 

This was my sign. 

I had my opportunity to get out. 

Two days later, I booked a one-way flight to Bali planning to make my big move to Melbourne, Australia following my month in Bali. 

My time spent living abroad and traveling was not only the most fun time of my life but the most enlightening for me. I finally had the freedom to explore different places. 

Through my exploration, I learned a lot about the ways people live, and I also learned a lot about myself. 

Traveling on my own empowered me in so many ways. It gave me the time to focus on myself, and I achieved great self-realization and major personal growth through this journey. 

I learned more about myself than I did attending college for four years. It transformed the way I felt and thought about the world and what I wanted out of life. 

I was finally experiencing the freedom I had desired while being stuck at that law firm. 

I knew my path toward personal growth was just beginning. 

Experiencing my own personal growth, I realized that I wanted to help other people experience the same personal growth I had experienced. 

I came back from living abroad in 2019. Let me tell you, the adjustment back to life in the States was hard, and I still sometimes find myself fantasizing about my time living in Melbourne. 

When I returned to the States, I was bartending but dreamed of having a career that inspired me. I dreamed of having a career that gave me the fulfillment I had experienced while living abroad. 

The year of 2020 gave me the time to further learn about myself and get into a more ritual spiritual practice. I was intrigued by the idea of coaching, not knowing exactly what it was but wanting to learn more. I kept mentioning this to my partner, and one day he came back with a book for me to read about coaching. 

After reading Walks of Life, by Jill Fratto, I knew coaching would be the way I could help other people experience the personal growth and fulfillment I experienced while living and traveling abroad.  

At the end of 2020, I thoroughly researched different coaching programs and enrolled in iPEC at the beginning of 2021. 

My journey toward becoming a Certified Professional Coach made me realize my potential and my superpower - MY INTUITION.

Using this superpower, I am able to help you uncover why you deserve to live a life full of joy and fulfillment while simultaneously achieving peak performance in your career.

Give me the confidence in my career, please!



let’s work together

Ready to feel fulfilled?